The Best Sweets For Children

5 minute read

sweets for toddlers

Few things make a child happier than a bag of sweets. If you remember your childhood days of trick or treating during Halloween and waiting in anticipation for your party bag, then you'll know that candy is the quickest way to a child's heart. 

While it's a treat to enjoy in moderation, there's nothing wrong with giving a child sweets. In fact, it will teach them how to enjoy a healthy, well-rounded diet later in life. 

In this post, we're going to look at the best sweets for children. So, if you're not sure which candy will suit your little ones, then read on because we've got everything you need to know. 

Sweets For Toddlers 

Toddlers can enjoy sweets, but their age means you should think about which confectionery will be safe for them to eat. It goes without saying that you should never give a toddler boiled sweets because they could easily choke. 

Chewy sweets can also pose a significant issue, so we recommend sticking to chocolate as a treat. There are many brands to choose between, but chocolate buttons and milky bars are great options because they're small, and chocolate melts in the mouth instead of children potentially choking. 

Children under three years old might not have a full set of teeth, which means they won't be able to chew properly, and sweets such as Chewits could pose a significant health issue. 

Sweets For Young Children 

As a child gets older, they can enjoy a wider selection of sweets. The most popular option available is Haribo - especially the Starmix collection. If you buy the tiny 16-gram bags, the sweets are much smaller, and most people would recommend a four-year-old would be fine enjoying gummy candies. 

Once again, young children shouldn't eat boiled sweets, but at age 5, they can enjoy bubble gum. As a child gets older, he/she can appreciate the concept of chewing something without swallowing it, but you should never give a child bubblegum unless an adult is in the room to supervise. 

Chewy sweets are fine for children, but you should use your discretion and think about the potential hazards. 

Haribo Funny Mix 

Haribo Funny Mix is a good choice for young children because the sweets are safe to eat and designed to be bigger. If you can't find Funny Mix, you can go for small treat-sized bags, but try to think about if your child will handle the sweets. 


Perfect for young children, marshmallows are soft, slightly chewy and have a unique taste. Try to stick to larger marshmallow sweets or opt for the miniature versions. Both are fine for children to swallow, but larger marshmallows will reduce the risk of your little ones grabbing a handful of mini marshmallows. 

Foam Sweets

One for children and adults alike, foam sweets are still very popular. If you remember the beloved Woolworth's pick and mix stand, then we're guessing foam shrimps and bananas were a big part of your goody bag. 

While traditional pick and mix stands aren't as popular as they once were, people can still buy wholesale foam sweets, perfect for children to enjoy. 

Sweets For Older Children

Older children have more options for sweet treats, and most can grasp the concept of not swallowing a boiled sweet until it reduces in size. While it's always essential to think about the health impacts of candy, giving a child treats in moderation won't cause any harm. 

So of all the sweets available for older children, which is the best? 

Selection Boxes 

Selection boxes are excellent ideas for gifts because kids can enjoy a selection of chocolates from their favourite brands. Companies such as Cadbury, Nestle, Reeses and Galaxy all offer their best-selling chocolate bars in one box. 


Everyone loves Haribo, so it's no surprise that it's one of the best selling sweet brands. With unique mixes including Goldbears, Starmix, Tangfastics and Funny Mix, there's something for everyone. 

The company also has a collection of vegan sweets, so if you're buying for a child that doesn't eat gelatine, you can cater to their dietary needs while still sending a thoughtful gift. 


Chewits will always be a fan favourite, and the unique flavour combinations mean people still enjoy them today. The infamous ice cream flavour will go down in history as a fan favourite, and other flavours such as cola, strawberry and fruit salad make Chewits a brand that reigns supreme. 

What About Sweets For Children With Dietary Needs?

For some children, the opportunity to enjoy sweets with their friends isn't always possible. One of the most common conditions that a child needs to restrict their diet is suffering from Diabetes. 

Diabetes is a severe disorder, and sufferers often need to reduce their sugar intake or avoid it altogether. Luckily, technology has provided children with a sugar-free candy alternative, which has all the taste, but none of the adverse side effects. 

One such alternative is the sugar-free lollipops from Chupa Chups, which are bursting with flavour and a fan favourite among children. 

You can also find a selection of vegetarian sweets and halal candy, perfect for sweet stores that want to provide a personalised experience for each customer. 

The Bottom Line 

Finding the right sweets for children can be a challenge, but as long as you prioritise safety above all things, you'll be able to find some delicious treats for your little ones. If you're not sure which sweets are suitable for an age group, you can often find information on each packet. 

Alternatively, you can ask others for advice, but common sense goes a long way. If you think something might be dangerous, it's best to avoid it altogether. 

At Appleton Sweets, we supply a range of delicious wholesale sweets, which are perfect for both confectionery store owners or to stock up your shelves at home. Our low prices and speedy shipping times mean you can supply and enjoy some of the biggest brands whenever you want them. 

Begin your shopping experience today! Are you stuck for inspiration? Check out our post on the most popular snacks in the UK here.


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